Unique Holiday Inn-Unique Holiday Hotel
Unique Holiday Hotel
Unique Holiday Inn-Lobby
Unique Holiday Inn-
Unique Holiday Inn-Guest Room
Guest Room
Unique Holiday Inn-
Unique Holiday Inn-Restaurant
Unique Holiday Inn-Restaurant
Unique Holiday Inn-Unique Holiday Hotel
Unique Holiday Inn-Lobby
Unique Holiday Inn-
Unique Holiday Inn-Guest Room
Unique Holiday Inn-
Unique Holiday Inn-Restaurant
Unique Holiday Inn-Restaurant


Unique Holiday Inn is wonderfully towered at the heart of Hualien City, a beautiful eastern Taiwan city famed for its unparalleled topographies, colorful aboriginal cultures and spectacular topographies. While accommodating at this Hualien hotel, guests may simply connect to their next destination conveniently since the hotel is just 5 minutes away from Hualien Railway Station, while Hualien Airport is just 15 minutes away. For a wonderful Taiwan travel, guests may not want to miss the impressive Taroko National Park for striking sceneries of Tunnel of Nine Turns – the 1.2 kilometer long tunnel is one of the curviest tunnels in the world and also the narrowest and most scenic section along the majestic Taroko Gorge, Swallow Grottoes – the marble cliff that is covered by potholes on surfaces in which swallows can sometimes be seen flying gracefully through sheer crevices, and Buluowan – former home of Taroko aborigines.
The excellent location allows guests to access and explore Hualien conveniently!

No rooms available for Unique Holiday Inn.
We recommend other Hualien hotels nearby:

  1. Travel Road MotelTWD1,710+
  2. Da Shih HotelTWD1,200+